Towards peaceful and secure community:
- Youth Peace conferences,
- Youth Peace tournaments.
- Music Dance and Drama.
UNDP, USD 48,334
- Mundri East
- Mundri West
- Mvolo Counties (WES)
- Amadi State.
Grassroots peace initiative project:
Peace Tournament
Awareness on National Dialogue
Grassroots consultation
UNDP, USD 18,000
- Mundri East
- Mundri West
Protection project in Greater Mundri Counties majoring on GBV:
Training for services providers (PSS, Medical, Police and Legal)
Training for Case Management and community Protection focal point persons.
Awareness raising through drama on GBV issues and peace building.
Working with women and youth groups
IsraAID/UNICEF, USD 106,000
- Mundri West
- Mundri East
- Counties of Western Equatoria State.
Child Protection Project :
Establishment of CFS
Training for teachers and community leaders on child protection during emergency.
Community awareness raising on child rights and child protection during emergency.
IOM, USD 15,500
- Mundri West
- Mundri East
- Counties of Western Equatoria State.
Edutainmentproject (Peace Building) :
Oxfam Novib, USD 66,000
- Mundri West
- Mundri East
- Counties of Western Equatoria State.
Community Security and Arms Control Project:
Cultural galas,
Youth Dialogue
UNDP, SSP 120,150
- Mundri West
- Mundri East
- Mvolo
InstitutionalCapacity building project for the support of GBV services in Greater Mundri and MaridiCounties:
Construction of fence
Movie production on GBV
Drama performances.
Training for actors/actresses for the better script writing and drama.
Oxfam Novib, USD 99,800
- Mundri West
- Mundri East